daily manifesto

the defibrillator of future life...

screamplay 9.4mb quicktime mp3

sampled from a rooftop in marakesh:
a scream of sonic symbolism:

world tension deconstructed
set to more challenging rhythm:
religion? routine?
fanaticism? talk radio?
at the risk of unpopular opinion...
which is the missing link?
worship or warship
(or world-wide non-sovereign libertarianism!)
fundamental is the question:
(mutation is the situation)
posed to both sides of the podium: (truth-detection)
are we talking freedom?
(protection?) or dominion?

forewarned of potential copyright infringement...
this is a juxtaposition of ideas that are NOT for sale

a taste, and a temporary hijack... FTP today, gone tomorrow.

de·fib·ril·la·tor n
a machine that administers a controlled electric shock to the chest or heart to correct a fluttering heartbeat that cannot drive the circulation

TRANSGRESSOR: live the alternative
tech-nomadic = real-time = highest resolution
